The Creative Commons Global Summit , held every two years, is a place where CC activists from all over world and experts, scholars and activists from all walks of life who support and practice open culture gather together. In particular, this year's CC Summit awaits the participation of various organizations and individual participants who want to participate in activities to spread the value of sharing, free culture, and open knowledge with CC. Free software supporters, Wikipedia activists, open knowledge foundation activists, art galleries, libraries, museums, archives, governments, foundations, lawyers, social activists, etc. various people active in the field of open content and open knowledge gather in one place to share richer and more dynamic We hope that it will be an opportunity to share our thoughts on creating an ecosystem.
please contact us per email for any further questions about CC Global Summit 2015!
ccsummit2015@cckorea.orgThe logo of CC Global Summit was decided through the logo competition from 8.jun to 7.july. After online public voting and selection Committee judging process. the logo from Naresh Agrawal won the prize.After consultations from Mr. Agrawal we optimized the prize-wining-logo for thi syears summit as following: